The 25 Most Commonly Misspelled Words

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Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 05:17:07

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List of Questions & Answers

Question Your
1. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) acomodate
  b) accomodate
  c) acommodate
  d) accommodate
  e) Don't Know

none d
2. Which of the following spellings is preferred in American English?
  a) acknowledgment
  b) acknowledgement
  c) acknowlegment
  d) acknowlegement
  e) Don't Know

none a
3. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) arguement
  b) argument
  c) arguemant
  d) arguemint
  e) Don't Know

none b
4. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) comitment
  b) comitmment
  c) commitment
  d) comitmant
  e) Don't Know

none c
5. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) consensus
  b) concensus
  c) consencus
  d) consenssus
  e) Don't Know

none a
6. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) deductible
  b) deductable
  c) deductuble
  d) deductabel
  e) Don't Know

none a
7. Which of the following spellings is always preferred in American English and preferred as an adjective in British English?
  a) dependant
  b) depindant
  c) dependent
  d) dependunt
  e) Don't Know

none c
8. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) embarras
  b) embaras
  c) embarass
  d) embarrass
  e) Don't Know

none d
9. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) existance
  b) existence
  c) existanse
  d) existanc
  e) Don't Know

none b
10. Which of the following spellings is correct for a page in a book?
  a) foreward
  b) forword
  c) forworde
  d) foreword
  e) Don't Know

none d
11. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) harass
  b) haras
  c) harrass
  d) herrass
  e) Don't Know

none a
12. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) inadvertant
  b) inadvartant
  c) inadvartent
  d) inadvertent
  e) Don't Know

none d
13. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) indispensabel
  b) indispensible
  c) indispensable
  d) indespensible
  e) Don't Know

none c
14. Which of the following spellings is preferred in American English?
  a) judgement
  b) judgment
  c) judgemant
  d) judgmant
  e) Don't Know

none b
15. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) liason
  b) liasson
  c) liasone
  d) liaison
  e) Don't Know

none d
16. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) license
  b) lisense
  c) licens
  d) lisence
  e) Don't Know

none a
17. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) occassion
  b) ocassion
  c) occasion
  d) ocasion
  e) Don't Know

none c
18. Which of the following spellings is correct?
  a) occurrence
  b) ocurrance
  c) occurrance
  d) occurance
  e) Don't Know

none a
19. Which is the correct spelling?
  a) perserverance
  b) persaverence
  c) perserverence
  d) perseverance
  e) Don't Know

none d
20. Which is the correct spelling?
  a) prerogative
  b) perogative
  c) perogitive
  d) preragitive
  e) Don't Know

none a
21. Which is the correct spelling?
  a) privelege
  b) privilege
  c) privlege
  d) privelige
  e) Don't Know

none b
22. Which of these spellings is the correct spelling?
  a) procede
  b) proceede
  c) proced
  d) proceed
  e) Don't Know

none d
23. Which is the correct spelling?
  a) seperate
  b) separete
  c) separate
  d) seperat
  e) Don't Know

none c
24. Which is the PREFERRED spelling?
  a) supersede
  b) supercede
  c) superceed
  d) suparseed
  e) Don't Know

none a
25. Which is the correct spelling?
  a) withhold
  b) withhuld
  c) withold
  d) withhald
  e) Don't Know

none a
26. Which of the following spellings is preferred in British English?
  a) acknowledgment
  b) acknowledgement
  c) acknowlegment
  d) acknowlegement
  e) Don't Know

none b
27. Which of the following spellings is preferred in British English other than in legal documents?
  a) judgement
  b) judgment
  c) judgemant
  d) judgmant
  e) Don't Know

none a
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The 25 Most Commonly Misspelled Words